Saturday 9 July 2011

God Plans For you

God Plans For you

A king had an earnest and honest minister. The king trusted him but disliked his frequent statement, " god does everything for for our own good." once they went together hunting while making a way through the forest by cutting the bushes with his sword, the king cut off the tip of his middle finger.
they treated the wound and bandaged it to stop it bleeding. as they finished, the minister made his usual remark, "god does everything for our own good." the king was furious. " you are really cruel, i am in great pain and you say it is good." filled with rage, he flung the minister into a dirty pit and raced off alone. in the dense forest, the king was caught by a group of savages. they tied him up and carried him to their chieftain. they wanted to offer the king as a human sacrifice before their deity. the chief priest examined the 'offering' in detail and found out that the tip of his middle finger was missing.
he declared that only perfect bodies without ant defect would be acceptable as sacrifice before the deity. hence the king was released. the king realized that the minister's statement was correct. so he return to the pit and rescued the minister. the king apologized and narrated the events. the minister said, "god does everything for our own good". the king asked him to explain. that minister said, "if you had not put me in the pit , i would have been with you and the savages would have sacrificed me instead of you!". 

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